Is The Ghost Month Made Up By You?

Is The Ghost Month Made Up By You?

There was a night when the wardrobe doors beside my bed started to thump very loudly as if someone was trying to get out of them. I turned a deaf ear thinking maybe it would go away. I said, “Laurence just go back to sleep, it's all a bad dream…go go back to sleep…” It did not disappear. Then my ex-wife started to see legs walking through doors and shadows in the home. We even received a landline call and on the other end, there was a little voice, perhaps from a child, speaking in a foreign language with lots of static. And then our doll collection started to play with teddy bears.
That house had many many tenants who had lived there before us and they deposited stuff that you think happens only in movies. And these happenings weren’t during the hungry ghost month.
Finally, I have discovered the cause after checking up with Upstairs. And having been granted added knowledge of how to clear them.
A search on google says…
“The Hungry Ghost Festival originated from Taoist practices dating back to days after the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). Legend has it that on the day of the Hungry Ghost Festival, the gates of hell were opened, and all the ghosts were released for a short period of freedom.”
Well thanks to these people who started this, Asians have created a yearly vortex of fear instead. People don’t realize that thoughts are energetic forms that can affect the space around them. Nature’s electrical fields say hello to our thoughts, our freaky feelings, and the weird actions we do out of habit or routine have their own electrical charge and they communicate. These electrical fields of ours and theirs chat 24/7 and we leave imprints in those fields.
They create the paranormal that you want to avoid. It’s not out there. It’s within us!
When we gossip, give a bitchy comment, throw a tantrum, get into arguments, or think of bad thoughts, we leave thought forms and life forms in our space.
Some of the places that have the most negative energies left behind by people and that you can pick up are hotels, B & Bs, hospitals, clinics, spas, and their therapy beds (yes even at those healing centres, if the therapist is unaware of how to clear them). Especially when you lie down even for a second.
You can bring them home and set up a cozy corner for these negative energetic forms.
They can appear as blotches or shadows in your homes. No, they are not floaters in your eye.
If you encounter strange or paranormal activities and you want clearance as we approach 29 July 2022, who do you call?
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