Sacred Geometry Rings

Sacred Geometry Rings

These are sacred geometry rings.
When worn they protect you from EMF (Electric And Magnetic Fields) coming from technology that starts with laptops, microwave ovens, and spotlights to all the must-have appliances and gadgets. Wi-fi, the 5G cellular network, and the ‘Smart-Grid’, play a major role in this BIG BUZZ around us. Even electric cars. Every piece of instrument and gadget that runs on electricity does that.
With one of these rings being worn, wherever there is an EMF field you will be shielded with a protective field. For larger pieces, you can be protected up to 15 metres. We can prove this to you.
What are they? They are simply copper rods twisted to meet in a circle and made with the sacred geometry measurements found at the Egyptian Pyramids, Inca Pyramids, and at sacred stone henge sites throughout the world. These advanced people of old knew something we don’t.
However, these rings must be worn according to your state of mind, emotions, and personality.
Why? We carry energy as we think, feel and act on a daily basis. We literally vibrate. Not forgetting our heartbeats are like a spark that gives us life. Everything is energy and energy is everything. And this energy can affect the electrical fields coming from the earth and from the air. Your frequency or resonance you carry determines which ring is right for you. These rings can be worn lifelong and there is no need to remove them even when you bathe.
We can even prove that your auric field exists and it changes most times. It expands and contracts.
For instance, when a person is in fear his auric field shrinks, and when he is happy, it expands. The positive power band from a spotlight that emits EMF can be shrunk when we do something very simple with it. One of the methods is by using one of these rings. Others will be shown when we meet up.
Our thoughts, emotions, and actions can cause our homes to become negatively charged which then contributes to an environment where we can get sick easily if not corrected. They become interference energies and cause health issues and open portals for other worldly energies to enter.
Check with us how these rings work for you. They are unisex. You need to be 'read' before the right ring is selected. They also create a force field to protect you from things of the astral realm.
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