Seventh Month Hungry Ghost Festival: Are You Living In A Haunted House?

Seventh Month Hungry Ghost Festival: Are You Living In A Haunted House?

We are ghost whisperers. We can help. Let us share a little more…
It's that month again when joss sticks, hell money, and offerings are burnt to appease the spirits of the underworld.
Does this action alone save you and your family from harm and disharmony in the home and workplace, for the rest of the year?
In our humble opinion we say NO, it does not.
They need to be invited to the light as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will still reside in your home, especially around the bathroom doorways and places with running water.
We live in an energetic world. Our unmanaged thoughts, actions, and speech determine the level of energy build-up that interact with the energies in our spaces. These energies are responsible to cause a crack in the astral realm and they happen 365 days a year and not only during the seventh-month ghost festival. Your fear this month only serves to heighten the activity.
Ghosts, spirits, trapped souls or departed relatives may well be residing in your home. Some are guardian spirits and others may be looking for a permanent residence. A prayer, joss sticks and offerings may not completely appease them all.
Instead, they want to be set free from this realm locked within your home, so they can proceed to the light towards their progression as souls.
They are locked here due to ignorance. To release them is an act of compassion.
We can check on your home remotely, needing only the address. 
Speak to us now at 81001082 or email

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