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Wealthvortex House Healer

I Sense Energy Is Unsettled In My Home And I Need Help With Wealth, And Health, And Even Past Life Karma

I Sense Energy Is Unsettled In My Home And I Need Help With Wealth, And Health, And Even Past Life Karma

Regular price $2,380.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $2,380.00 SGD
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Feel out of place of sorts in your home?
Have money block issues?
Believe that energy frequencies in a home play the biggest role in attracting wealth?
Unable to sleep at bedtime?
Experience ringing in your ears?
Feel depressed and you don’t think it’s because of work stress?
Health issues have suddenly surfaced?
Your child suffers recurring fevers and health issues?
Your dog or cat experience regular bouts of illness?
Your life has spiralled out of control and you believe it's your past life karma affecting your current state of being?

Your home is an energetic crossroads of electromagnetic fields carried and intersected by water, below and above earth energy lines, and by you as an energetic being, 24/7 throughout your life, linked by past life karma. This is shown and explained on my tik tok videos.

As an energetic being, you and your loved ones are connected to and experience the effects of:
* Geopathic Stress (Natural electromagnetic earth energies that harm),
* Technopathic Stress (Electromagnetic fields from the smart grid and modern world electronic conveniences), 
* Geopsychic Stress (Interference from the spirit world) and,
* Unresolved Past Life Karma linked to your current life lessons, life purpose, life tasks and your money blocks (We are not feng shui, humbly, we work beyond that).

When you are affected by EMF (electromagnetic fields), the medical term is known as EHS(Electro-Hypersensitivity).

You are an electrical being by nature, so the law of attraction is determined by the state of frequency you carry and how you connect with all other non-beneficial energies around you, made consciously and unconsciously.

Geopathic Stress: Mother Earth is a living breathing being with energetic fields that can invade your home. They are caused by below-ground water veins, sewers, water pipes, geological fault lines, rock formations, and power cables. She also suffers daily energetic imbalances from the constant gravitational pull from the moon and the sun. This lifts the earth’s crust daily by up to 600mm at some points on its surface. And above ground, you have Hartmann and Curry Grid Lines. These are nature’s energetic fields that sustain all life on earth but can also harm us with our intervention with technology and human activity through emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions.

There is a constant exchange. An upload and download of information.

It is a communication grid and information field.

And through this same grid, we can access information for our healing work.

Technopathic Stress: Your mobile phones, laptops, printers, power chargers, table lamps, spotlights, TVs, microwave ovens, refrigerators, water heaters, and electric cables cause another set of issues known as Technopathic Stress. Your exposure and reliance on modern technology can harm you, along with the ‘smart grid’, 5G cellular network, mobile phone masts, and power stations around. 

However, these are essentials in our modern-day living, and we can't do without them,

Geopsychic Stress: Human thoughts, emotions, and actions can also interact with the earth's energetic fields. This can be proven physically and is not a fantasy as our approach is based not only on science but also on spirituality, as you cannot divide energies. House healing can reveal spots or areas caused by energies from the astral realm. They can be in certain homes known as earthbound spirits, attachments, or discarnate beings. They too are energy. Energy is everything and everything is energy. If you leave out one area, the job of healing is not complete.

Unresolved Past Life Karma: Your misunderstood lessons and unresolved issues from past life karma is replayed out in your current life and experienced as a loss of self-love, self-worth, self-responsibility, and money block issues. Money blocks are carried through from a past lifetime where you felt abandoned, betrayed, humiliated, injustices, and rejection.

Medical help, Medicine, and House Healing are complementary and work well together.

Why are we different?

We offer a holistic approach to the treatment of Geopathic Stress, Technopathic Stress, Geopsychic Stress, and Unresolved Past Life Karma that affects you. The electrical fields found by science are connected to then spirit world and spirituality. There is no separation. We identify the spots, re-balance, and heal them and you get to learn how to address and minimize these fields in your home to live harmoniously with them.

We re-balance and heal the energies in your home and give you an action plan, an instruction manual on how to move on from here, and how to maintain the space in your home or business.

We are NOT Feng Shui. Feng Shui cannot find these energies with the conventional and textbook methods used. Our modality does not require that same sort of intervention and the placement of objects, constructions or removal of walls and materials, directions faced, colour changes, and the use of numbers, as we communicate live with the energies in the space. And energies cannot be cut off by the placement of objects.

We are led by knowledge, experience, and the intent of the universe to heal.

How Do We Do Our Harmonizing And Healing?

We use dowsing, through interaction with the quantum entanglement (quantum field).

It is an information field.

It’s a LIVE psychic communication with the space and the subconscious states of peoples’ minds, to find answers to issues, with a set of L-Copper Rods.

The human body together with a dowsing tool is the most sensitive equipment on earth as it picks up all things electromagnetic including information about your life, people around you, your challenges, the spirit world, karma, and past lives.

We can even profile people remotely.

Dowsing has been used for over 100,000 years and it is a hand-me-down skill. In ancient caves, drawings have been found of people in the past who used this same technique as a survival tool to find (and re-direct) water, minerals, animals to hunt, lost objects and treasure, and other activities of daily living. During those times they used an inverted tree branch to find things. (The discoveries of these drawings in the past have been verified through carbon dating).

How do we as healers work with the quantum entanglement to do harmonizing and healing remotely?

We work with photons of the quantum entanglement.

Libre Text Chemistry explains:

What is a photon in simple terms?

A photon is a tiny particle that comprises waves of electromagnetic radiation. As shown by James Maxwell (1865), photons are just electric fields traveling through space. Photons have no charge, no resting mass, and travel at the speed of light.

Energy can be transmitted through a photon over vast distances without any loss in energy or speed.

We also use this same quantum entanglement, through a set of L-Copper Rods, to pick up information of a target we put our intent into.

Whatsapp us at +65 81001082 or email us at 

A consultation is private and confidential. The sum of SG$1800 is complete, with no hidden charges and nothing else to buy.

And it involves the harmonizing and healing of the following that affect you and family:

* Underground Water Veins/Flows

* Earth Energy Lines

* Geopathic Stress (Earth’s Natural Energies That Enter Your Home)

* Technopathic Stress (Earth’s Energies That Interact With Technology)

* Geopsychic Stress (Interference from the spirit world)

* Re-balancing of Energies/Empowerment

* Understand Unresolved Past Life Karma and Money Blocks ~ Learn your life lessons, life purpose, and life tasks ( Is that not what matters to one in life?...answers to all that is).

* And many more...

Note: Please do not proceed to make payment until we know specifically what you want resolved, through our service. We need a voice call before we can proceed.
No further hidden charges. No objects to buy or to place, no renovations, no change of directional facings, no use of colours or the adoption of numbers in the home.

If for privacy and confidential reasons, you can still have this house healing service performed without informing your family. It is after all done through unconditional love.

Call us at +65 81001082 or email 

This service is non-religious as it is energy-based and humans are electrical beings. Everything is connected always.

Duration: 3 weeks to heal all aspects in the home.

~ Our Intent Is To Heal ~

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